Monday 5 November 2012

Unit 5: Contextual influences in Art and Design


One of the tasks in the assignment that was asked of us was to create a poster in which all our information that we collected would be displayed,this would be used to help us refine and condense the information and turn it into a presentation. My poster would have included many movements that flourished during the 1870's however at the same time I decided that I would give it a certain theme to do with my chosen movements which I already chose thanks to my research and timeline. The movements I chose were impressionism, expressionism and realism.

The poster has a brief explanation of what each movement is and some pictures by the most famous of their patrons. There wasn't much I could do in the of paint of the computer so i went for a canvas background trying to keep it with  the theme of 19th century art. The text is just simply some different fonts and colours with a arc warp for the word 'expressionism'. 

Unit 5: Contextual Influnces in Art and Design


This assignment instructed us to create a timeline with the purpose of cataloguing all the major art movements in the 19th Century and the 20th. This helped me to direct my future research in an easier and more precise manor. By making this timeline I was able to choose a decade that I could present to my peers. 

One fantastic thing about this timeline is how you can see how each movement has influenced the other. this can be closing observed by looking at expressionism and how the use of shapes and colours slowly started making a sub genre called cubism and eventually becoming its own movement. However the correlation between art movements isn't always so peaceful. Impressionism flourished in about the 1870's and was born out of the hatred of being told what to paint, before impressionism you couldn't paint what the upper society deemed not worthy, essentially not showing real life, but it was spawned from people not liking realism much.